Saturday, April 11, 2009


Greetings to all who read this blog... :-)
We've all been doing good and getting along pretty well here in Waldron, SK. Naomi's having good and bad days off and on so mostly she sits in her room or the living room.... she's been trying to soak up more sunshine so she's been sitting on the couch near the window a bit every day to get some warmth. Mom and Sara are doing well..... Mom's taken a turn outside the past couple days but she's not doing very much other than walking on the sidewalk in front of the house. Sara's growing good and starting to smile some. :-) It's lots of fun seeing how the kids handle having another baby around..... they seem to be learning to not bother Mom when she's feeding Sara though it's kind of hard being used to just running to Mom with questions. :-) I've learned to dish out the work to all the kids and have been keeping us all decently in order about cleaning the house and making meals for the family.
Dad and Jesse brought the horses over from the Sorgard's so now we are boarding them at Eugene's place near Yorkton. Of course once we move to a place of our own we'll be getting them as soon as possible.... there's no better way to see land than horse back riding. I have to get a saddle though as the one I used for the ride was borrowed from Bev. P. so that will be a purchase I will be making once we get some land and have the horses near us.
Ellie, Lydia and I have been walking almost every day.... the weather has been quite pleasant and mostly sunny not much wind the past week so that's been a blessing. The girls have been trying to make 10 miles every few days.... Guess they want to really be in shape for our own land. :-) I've mostly been walking by myself staying around the town now as Dad doesn't want me walking very far out on my own. So the people of Waldron are quite familiar with the sight of me walking the road to the main grid. :-)
Lydia and I just recently bought some more Gaither Vocal Band and Ernie Haase and Signature Sound music... Lydia's Cd is Lovin' Life by GVB.... mine are Together DVD featuring both groups and Dream On by EHSS.... so we are enjoying them right now. :-) We also are going to try ordering some more from Gaither Canada.... we'll see what happens there. :-) I do know that we want to get Mark Lowry with Bill Gaither... That is something we'll all look forward to... even the sore stomach muscles from laughing... “grins” The few clips we found on Youtube were so funny... and very clean so we can't wait to have two DVDs of hilarious fun. :-) Gives us something to keep smiling over. :-D
We're all trying to keep up on our music practice... Fiddle, piano, mandolin and guitar can be heard at various times at out house.... Lydia and I are also starting to practice singing... as in the future we'd like to be able to get back on stage for a few shows. I have to admit to not playing banjo since we've moved but I will try to pick it up this next week and take it out to the garage to practice... where no one can hear and have to plug their ears at the horrible sound the instrument is emitting... LOL! :-)
I need to post some more collage pictures on here so I'll close this for now.
Ya'll take care and God bless you!

1 comment:

Ashley C said...

Thank you for the update, Hannah. =)