Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Here's some more pictures! Hope you enjoy them!

Jesse and I.

'The twins' as the Nasby's call Ellie and I.

Ellie picking huckleberries last summer. We picked up near 'Roman Nose mountain'.

Sorgards made this apron for Naomi. Sweet, eh?!

Frisbee! Frisbee! And more Frisbee! If you want to know what we do in the summer around here, you'll find that is just this. :-) Lots of fun!


Nila said...

Howdy Holters,
I recognize some of these people. :) We are continuing to pray for the family as you seek God's will for your future (remember Romans 12:1,2)and of course, Mom (Heidi) is in my thoughts and prayers as March quickly approaches. Jenn mentioned Naomi has pneumonia again, so prayers for that also.
Love in Christ,

Naomi T. said...

Hi! Thanks for the comment. Thanks so much for all the prayers. Life is a little interesting at the moment. :-)

We hope you are all well!