Thursday, January 14, 2010

Colds and teeth

Hi y'all,
Hope y'all are enjoying the new year. :-) We've been doing OK here, though most of us are sick with colds. I was doing well but apparently I wasn't ever it far enough. Going to the hospice (which went well by the way) staying up till past midnight for Youth that night then going to the hospice again on Sunday to help with the service.... add going to Swan river to get the forms done for braces and a fair bit of stress thrown in and I'm sick again. LOL! I really sound like I'm complaining don't I?!? Suffice to say I'm hoping and praying that I can go to Youth on Friday evening. I don't like missing church, Youth or Y2J... maybe it's because I've had to miss out on those things a lot in the past several years. I have to admit to loving being able to fellowship with Christians outside my family. :-)
Mom had a root canal and an infected tooth pulled, she needs another root canal as well but I'm not sure when that will happen. Naomi and I need braces on both top and bottom Lydia needs an expander and then only braces on her top. Naomi and I have to get teeth pulled to make room for the others to move, Naomi one and I need 4 pulled. :-/ I'm thankful that God is allowing us to get braces. I think I'll be getting my top braces near the end of Feb and Lydia will be getting a form of some sort for her expander, then in March I'll be getting the bottom set, Naomi will be getting both sets and Lydia will get her expander that she has to wear for three months. :-) Please pray that all goes well and also that Mom can get her other root canal done soon. :-) Thanks

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