Friday, February 26, 2010


Feb. 24th.... Today is Dad's 48th birthday. We had Au Grauten potatoes and hamburgers with cheese slices on them... and his traditional cheese cake as well.
Lydia had a form made for her expander and a couple rubber bands put in so when she goes in on March 2nd to get the expander put in her teeth will have spread enough to get the wire in-between them. I had two teeth pulled and my upper set of braces put on. Right now it's achy but not sharp pain unless I clamp my mouth shut. I have to swish saline solution in my mouth at least 10 times a day... for a few days and then I can ease to 5 or 6 times a day for a week then 3 times a day for another week. I can't chew any food right now... so it has to be all soft enough for me to either mush or break apart with my tongue. :-) This morning we were doing music practice and I was concentrating and ended up clenching my teeth together... owwww. Not good. :-/ Right now I'm holding off on taking Advil since I don't really care for having pain killer but it's kind of digging in so I'll probably have to take more late in the afternoon. :-) Next month I should be getting two more teeth pulled on my lower jaw and that set of braces put on. I am so very very thankful that God has seen fit to allow me to get braces. I've wanted and prayed for them for several years, so thankful that it could happen now. :-) Next on the list of prayer would be to marry some of my sisters off and being able to make a steady income. :-) And a lot of other things but those two would be the most prevalent. :-) So... would you join me in my thanksgiving and as a side note ask for spouses for my siblings and a job/income that I can count on. :-) Thanks....
P.S. The first day is always good... yesterday (26th) and this morning, the pain is pretty bad. Mostly where my teeth were pulled, and the Advil doesn't cut out all the pain. So I'm not feeling the greatest right now. The only thing I'm kind of worried about is that it's worse when I talk and we have to do our music program at the hospice this afternoon. I'm really praying that I can sing, since I have several solos, besides the fact that Naomi and I are the only ones singing, except when the kids come up. If you're around to read this at 3:30 pm our time then please pray that I'll be able to sing and that the music will bless those we are singing to. Thank you. :-)


Joanna Grace said...

That's SO cool you got braces! The most pain for me was the first few days after the braces got on. They are so worth it though. I've had mine for a little over a year and hopefully soon I'll be getting them off.
I'll be praying for all your needs to be met. God is great!

bekah said...

Oh I understand teeth trouble!! Been having a lot myself lately! Hope it settles down real soon!