Friday, April 16, 2010


April 16th.... On the 14th several of us went down to Brad and Carrol's to watch the sheep shearing. Brad set aside several fleeces for me... I still have to find a way to clean them, tease them apart, card and then spin them, but for right now I'm only going to work on getting them clean. If there's rain I could just set them out on a rack of sorts and let the rain clean them but the rain we had for a couple days has left and it's nice sunny weather again. So I need to find another way to clean it. :-) So if any of you have any ideas on how to clean the wool I'd be glad for the suggestions. :-)
Thursday, Carrol picked Naomi and I up about 10:45am for a LTO meeting at the church. We figured out a lot of things, tied up most of the loose ends, looked at clothes, hats and accessories. :-) Then the three of us stayed in till Y2J. While Y2J was going on Naomi, Trisha and I washed the 150 glasses for the LTO. We'll be using them for the floats and also for the favors. You'll love them if you're intending to come. :-) If you want a ticket you can e-mail us and we can get you one or two or what ever you want.... But we have to have them bought by April 26th . So let us know or call Carrol to reserve for you... you can e-mail Naomi or I and get her phone # or call us (which would be more reliable since we don't get net very often) and those who could come I'm sure know our phone #. :-) The Tickets are $8.00 per person. The time 7:30 pm at the Endeavour gym. The date April 30th . (you can always ask for directions to. :-)
Gun class is over for this week.... Wednesday we had gun handling night, teamed up into teams of two and went through all the different kinds of rifles, shotguns, muzzle loaders... going through a fence with your partner and then alone, and going through all the different shooting positions. It was fun to have a hands on night. :-) The test is going to be on the 26th... (at least they are hoping that works) those of us who are going to take the federal test (so we can apply for our PAL, Possession and Acquisition License) will be going to the teachers place on Thursday night (there's no regular class that night) and take more rifle handling and some other things to ready us for the federal test. Then on Monday we'll take the federal test right after the regular course test.
This post is long... things have been happening this week. :-) One more before I close. :-)
Dad called the church Thursday and asked us if it's be OK to do ½ hour of music at the trade show in Preeceville today.... we said “yeah” so we're set up for 4:00 pm today. We're going in early so we can do any shopping that we need to do, banking and net time. We're doing a few hymns, three kids songs, and lots of fiddle tunes. I think we have a little over ½ hour of music, but it always goes a little faster on stage. So we should come out fine. :-)
Y'all have a great day. Been praying for you. :-)

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