Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Firewood and more

Oct.20th.... More firewood. Didn't do any wood of Sunday but we've been bringing in pretty steady. Yesterday we brought in one load in the morning, after lunch Dad started cutting the logs into stove length pieces and the boys were stacking them in the bin. We should be heading out again for another load soon.
I pulled/dug the last three rows of carrots. We have 6 buckets of them in the garage waiting till we find a place to put them. :-) Now we need to take down the trellis for the peas and cucumbers and take the rototiller to the garden before winter hits seriously. We'll have to avoid the strawberries as they happen to be in the middle of the garden. :-)
I believe we're heading to town this afternoon. Dad and Mom have some banking to do and a few other things to pick up.
It was nice and frosty this morning... almost looked like a skim of snow on everything. Hopefully the sun will come out and warm things up a bit. :-)
Later... we didn't get a full load of logs since Dad ran out of gas. We did a little over half what we usually do. Right now we're on our way to Preeceville, Dad's loaded the back of the van with gas and diesel cans so it's gonna be a rather fumy ride to and from town. But you gotta do what you gotta do. :-)
See ya.


Emily said...

Is Uriah better?

The Panhandle Roughriders said...

Yes, Uriah is better. For being covered in spots he's healed up probably faster than any of us. :-) being sick didn't slow him down any. LOL!

Emily said...

Glad to hear everyone is better!