Friday, July 31, 2009


Not to much excitement around here. I did some weeding on Friday (24th) but I haven't worked with Shiloh for the past few days. I need to work her on some of the games. :-) I managed to do a make shift patch on our galvanized water tank with plastic and duck tape, so the kids and I filled it half way and they enjoyed cooling off the past few afternoons. It's close to the house so we can keep an eye on them. Though playing in the water means a lot of clothing to wash, as we don't have swimsuits they're just playing in their regular clothing. :-)
We had put in a large order for butter to be delivered to the Endeavour store so when we went to pick that up on Sat. I also ordered some Avon stuff as she's a dealer. I'm hoping that it will come before camp time. ;-) She said maybe 16th but she'd try to get it ordered in sooner as we (Naomi and I) were going to use some of the product for gifts. :-)
Dad's been working on a haybine and a few other things for Neal Fenske.... Dad's had to run to Preeceville a few times in the past few days trying to get the right parts so he can fix the equipment.
Well other than that nothing big has been happening here. But that could change any day. :-) Only about 3 weeks till music camp starts. :-)
Ya'll have a great day.

28th here.... Rained a bit yesterday, Weeded all but my part of the strawberries this afternoon. I could have weeded them as well but... :-) Guess I was feeling lazy. Other than that, just the same ol' things happening here. Dad's still working on the haybine, some of the kids have been riding..... we've all been keeping in good health. :-)
31st..... It's been raining the past two days... and cloudy in-between rain spurts. :-) Kind of chilly for July/August don't you think? :-)
Today Dad, Jesse, Martha, Lydia, Ellie and I went to Ketchen Lake Bible Camp to help clean up now that camp is all done. We stayed and had lunch with them as well. :-) And then Dad, Mom, Naomi, Ellie, Cilla, Ruth, Sara and I left for a trip to town. Dad, Mom, Ellie and Naomi to do some banking and I hopefully to get some net connection for posting and e-mailing.
Sooooo I hope you all have are having a great day and till next time. :-)

1 comment:

Ashley C said...

Recipe for clothes washing:
Put dirty clothes on hyper children, squirt with soap and toss in pool along with some foam "noodles." They'll get the dirt out. =)