Friday, August 28, 2009


Aug. 23rd. Done with camp.... I will miss it. :-) I enjoyed learning how to play some banjo and I hope to learn more in the future. :-) Joel copied some music for me and also lent me a couple banjo books so I hope to continue learning that way. :-) On Friday evening we had a talent show and pig n' whistle programs. :-) Us girls did a song.... This Old House, played with Piano, Fiddle, Guitar and..... Banjo! LOL! I sang solo second verse and managed to fumble my chords but hey, not bad for only learning how to play the banjo a few days before. :-) I also played a medley of tunes with three other banjo students.... having a strumstick, guitar and two banjos in the group. It was an arrangement of Will The Circle Be Unbroken and Old MacDonald Had a Farm.... If I can I'll get Naomi to put the video clip into a format that can be posted on the blog so you'll be able to see/hear us play. It was a surprise to everyone in camp but those who played the song.... We had only been intending to play the bluegrass song but ended up adding this little ditty to the end to jazz it up... and yes it did jazz it up. LOL! :-)
Dad, Mom and the rest of the family came down for the student concert on Saturday and we drove/are driving home that night/morning as it is 3:08 am right now.... :-) We're all extremely tired.... :-)
Funny thing ran across the road just now.... we're driving through Sturgis and a fox ran in front of us. As you may be able to tell I am not completely with this typing.... but since there is no way to sleep I thought I would work on a blog post..... my fingers are like, “ummm we're like really tired, and we really don't want to work.” LOL! So I've been fumbling my typing a lot. :-) I should close now anyway... this post is probably long enough for now.

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